Even if a teen is at a healthy weight, just thinking they are overweight can greatly raise their odds for self-harm, a new study
Kids Special
Back-to-School Tips to Helping Your Kids Breathe Easier
As kids and teens return to school, parents might not have protecting their child’s lung health on the top of their to-do lists. But
Are The Kids Doing All Right in Quarantine?
By Barbara Pierce The end is finally in sight. Now parents wonder how masks, social distancing and lack of interaction with other children will
Why Choose a Pediatrician For Your Child?
Pediatricians understand the many factors that affect the growth and development of children By Barbara Pierce Summer is here. If you have kids, you
What Kids Are Losing with Virtual Learning
Online classes are effective to contain the transmission of coronavirus but they are robbing kids from having the full school experience: interacting with others,
Tips For Blended Families
Accepting the changes in everyone’s lives takes time By Barbara Pierce When your remarriage or live-in arrangement includes children from previous relationships, blending families
Keeping Your Cool With Kids
There are many ways to relax and have fun By Barbara Pierce Balancing the demands of motherhood has never been easy. Now, with Covid-19