Patients fearful to get preventive cancer screenings because of global pandemic Megan Plete Postol COVID-19 has inadvertently caused substantial increases in the number of
Top Features
Should you get flu shot this year?
Similarities, dissimilarities between influenza, COVID-19 Megan Plete Postol The social distancing and mask-wearing protocol the public has adopted to thwart the spread of COVID-19
Menopause: What to expect
By Megan Plete Postol Although menopause is natural, this does not mean it’s easy. Menopause is the gradual (inevitable) process of period cycles ending
Time to ditch your doc?
Contemplating divorcing your health care provider? When and how? By Barbara Pierce “Having a primary care provider with whom you feel comfortable, connected and
Better health means better sex
Sexual health function of overall well-being Megan Plete Postol Sure, sex is fun, but it’s also an important element of an overall healthy body
One is the loneliest number
Social isolation, loneliness hitting seniors especially hard Megan Plete Postol The ill effects of social isolation are hitting seniors especially hard as COVID-19 restrictions
Winter forecast: High probability of more COVID-19
Mohawk Valley residents have greater chance of getting virus this winter By Daniel Baldwin Things are somewhat back to normal in the Mohawk Valley,
1-2 punch
Domestic violence exacerbated by COVID Megan Plete Postol Domestic violence incidents are on the rise during the pandemic. Locally, the YWCA reports a 30%
Burden of being barren
Frustrated couples bear pain of infertility By Barbara Pierce “I feel like a failure as a woman because I can’t have children,” says Katy
Stemming disease
What are stem cells? Why are they important? By Barbara Pierce You’ve heard about stem cells in the news. You’ve probably wondered what they