By Deborah Dittner
Many today continue to talk about losing weight, hitting the gym, going on a weight loss program or trying products from teas to supplements.
Being that you are all individuals leads to the fact that each and every one wanting to lose weight needs an individualized approach but most importantly, everyone need to understand that learning how to lose weight fast in a healthy way is a must.
No two people are alike therefore your food choices and other aspects of life are not the same as the person next to you.
When considering weight loss, are you also looking to improve fatigue, brain fog, midafternoon slump, deficiency in vitamins and minerals, digestive issues, kidney issues, stiff joints, anxiety or overly emotional?
Going on a restrictive diet will not help these issues but may only create more of the same. Not all supplements (magnesium, zinc, quercetin, ashwagandha and more) again are not created equally. Outlook India weight loss pill rankings can help you decide which pills to buy.
A good approach I recommend is to listen to a Healthcare podcast show looking for any tips that you may apply on yourself. Not every single one will fulfill this requirement, but every little bit will help. Next you should write down a seven- to 10-day food and lifestyle journal discussing everything you eat and drink, physical activity, sleep habits, relationships, financials, career, spirituality, social life, education, home environment and what brings you joy.
This may sound like a lot but all of these issues are involved with not only your weight but your overall health.
By looking at the whole person, a health coach or nutrition and lifestyle educator or health care provider like Keti Wellness Center in Spring Hill, FL, will be able to direct and encourage you to find the best and long-lasting options for a healthier you such as options for medical weight loss in Raleigh, NC. Taking into consideration are other health issues already in play such as hypertension, metabolic conditions, autoimmune issues and more. This approach is not a one size fits all and will take time, commitment and determination on your part to want to be the best you can be.
Whole nutrient dense foods are on top of the list to create a healthier you.
As summer is here, visit your local farmer, go to farmers markets, or grow your own fresh whole foods. Consisting of one ingredient, for example, zucchini, cucumber, tomato, strawberries, blueberries and more, these whole foods are the best of the best! Add fresh herbs and you’ve got a delicious burst of flavor and nutrients.
As Per Geeks Health, eating cruciferous and a rainbow of veggies chock full of antioxidants boosts metabolism. Summer is the time to enjoy these as they become more abundant at the farmers market. Vegetables such as broccoli, kale, spinach, salad greens, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, Bok choy, arugula, Swiss chard, cauliflower…I could go on and on, detoxify and support the liver, provide fiber, help to decrease inflammatory markers and will bind with excess hormones in the gut helping to flush it out and improve the microbiome of the gut.
Raw, steamed or grilled can be a staple on your summer dining table. Aim for a minimum of three to five servings daily. I know that may sound like a lot but the end result will be well worth it. Start slow as these veggies can cause initial bloating.
Eating a rainbow of antioxidant rich fruits aid against metabolic syndrome and heart disease. Summer produces the sweetest blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and cherries. Citrus fruits and apples are soaking up the summer sun ready for the picking come fall.

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Now, let’s spice things up! A variety of herbs and spices will aid in nutrition, proper digestion, anti-inflammatory properties, and boosting the immune system. If you haven’t already, experiment with any or all of the following: curcumin, parsley, garlic, ginger, oregano, cilantro, cinnamon, thyme, chili powder and fenugreek. Herbs that aid in digestion are chia seeds and licorice.
Experiencing chronic stress can wreak havoc on your hormones. The emotional stress of everyday life, the stress of a poor diet, lack of sleep and even exercising too much can all play a role in your hormones. Reducing stress, both emotionally and bodily, with whole nutrient dense foods and physical exercise, is often forgotten during any kind of treatment you may seek.
Weight loss does not occur overnight. By listening to your body as you make changes in your food choices, exercise, proper sleep, alleviating stress and taking care of your gut, you will see your hard work come to fruition in about three months so be patient with yourself and all that you do. Lifestyle changes are just that—changes for a lifetime.
The information provided is for education purposes only and is in no way intended to replace the advice of your health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging.