Excellus BlueCross BlueShield was ranked No. 8 on the Forbes list of America’s Best Midsize Employers 2025.
The health plan ranked No. 1 among midsize employers in New York state and among the insurance industry nationwide.
This is the third consecutive year that Excellus BCBS has been named to the list.
This award is presented in collaboration with Statista Inc., a global statistics portal and industry ranking provider.
America’s Best Employers 2025 are selected using an independent survey from a vast sample of more than 217,000 U.S. employees working for companies from all industry sectors employing at least 1,000 people within the U.S. More than 6.5 million employer evaluations were considered.
The final ranking is based on two types of evaluations:
• Personal: Given by employees themselves.
• Public: Given by friends and family members of employees or members of the public who work in the same industry.
Personal evaluations are given a higher weighting.
The results are divided into two lists: one for the top large companies with more than 5,000 U.S. employees, and another for the top midsize companies with 1,000 to 5,000.
Based on the results of the study, Excellus BCBS has been recognized on the Forbes list of America’s Best Midsize Employers 2025.
See Forbes’ full list of America’s Best Employers on Forbes.com.