NYS Rates of Birth Complications After Patients Leave Hospital Higher than Average

Analysis of millions of births shows one-third of birth complications occur during the six weeks following discharge and disproportionately affect Black patients.

New data shows that dangerous, unexpected birth complications often emerge weeks after the patient and baby have left the hospital, with Black patients experiencing these events at a rate 87% higher than white patients. Moreover, New York state has the highest number of these events in the nation, according to a new Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) analysis.

The analysis of these birth complications, known as severe maternal morbidity (SMM), draws on nationwide data from more than 700,000 BCBS commercially insured births and data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on more than 1.5 million Medicaid births. Across New York state, the data revealed the rates of SMM events are higher than the national average, both overall, and for each ethnic group (Black, Hispanic, white), particularly for Medicaid members. The data also confirms racial and ethnic disparities in SMM events in New York state.

“The statistics are alarming, but they’ve also presented an opportunity and a responsibility to confront this national crisis,” says Excellus BlueCross BlueShield’s Simone Edwards, a physician and vice president, health equity and community investments. “Excellus BCBS is committed to collaborating with local community organizations to support safe pregnancies and childbirth, eliminate pregnancy-related health disparities, and improve health outcomes for new mothers and babies.”

Bridging the gaps

Excellus BCBS’s Bright Beginnings program is stepping in to fill necessary gaps in care like transportation, resources and provider referrals to help new parents effectively care for themselves and their mental health.

The program, led by Kara Traverse, manager, Maternity Care Management, includes a team of licensed social workers and registered nurses who meet with members referred by area doctors and hospitals, family, and even members themselves.

“They contact the member, listen to their concerns, and screen for depression and anxiety. From there, the case manager assesses and makes appropriate recommendations, providing resources for transportation, education, mental health support and more,” Traverse explains.

The Bright Beginnings team also collaborates with community-based partners committed to increasing maternal health care awareness and availability. From breast pump and pregnancy education to mental health screenings and arranging hospital and pediatrician visits, the Bright Beginnings program aims to help parents stay on track caring for themselves and their children.

Excellus BCBS also supports programs for maternal mental health run by community-based organizations across its operating area. Some of these efforts include Cortland-based Seven Valleys Health Coalition’s Post Partum Doula Support and Doula Partnership, Syracuse-based Contact Community Services’ Maternal Mental Health Follow Up Support, and Utica-based Integrated Community Alternatives Network’s (ICAN) Maternal Health Equity for Pregnant Homeless Teens.

Read the full report, “Improving Postpartum Maternal Health Outcomes,” part of the BCBS Health of America Report® series, here: http://bcbsa.co/6046YtIzI.